Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spinning Vulcan

Sorry, this caramel swirl is not edible: It's Vulcan's fleece and that of some of his sheep friends swirled together in this delictible combination of suri alpaca (that's Vulcan) and wool. Since suri alpaca is slicker than black ice, Vulcan's owners combined his rich brown fleece with wool for easier spinning. Fortunately, I bought a lot of this because I keep changing my mind how I want to spin it up. Right now, I'm thinking three strands of as closer to barber pole as I can get it in one strand. In case you aren't familar with the term "barber pole" that's with the white and the brown spiralling separately like, you guessed it, a barber pole. What I've done so far has kind of a tweedy effect on the spool and it's keeping the rich brown color with just little flecks of white. What I wanted to avoid was having it blend into tan. Whatever garment it turns out to be, it'll be nice and warm.

Incidentally, Vulcan's photo is on his owner's website at http://www.rachalpacafarm.com then click on alpacas - his photo is near the bottom.

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